Festival of Champions – University of Central Missouri

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Festival of Champions - University of Central Missouri

$13 general admission - all day pass (will also allow entry for indoor events)
$10 military/senior citizen - all day pass (will also allow entry for indoor events)
$5 children 5 years and under - all day pass (will also allow entry for indoor events)
$7 indoor admission - only good for indoor competition events

For 39 years, the UCM Bands are proud to host some of the most outstanding band programs in the region for its annual marching band competition, the Festival of Champions. Beginning as the Missouri Music Bowl in 1978, this competition has grown to showcase over 30 of the best bands from Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Nebraska, and Illinois each year. The competition is set up as a prelim/finals format. Immediately after the preliminary round, the UCM Marching Mules will perform in exhibition. UCM Marching Percussion performs immediately after the finals round.

Participating Bands

A list of participating field and indoor events and their performance times are located here: http://bit.ly/2p4eWmY

Field Events:
Derek Stoughton, Southeastern Louisiana University
Scott Dudley, Retired, Central Texas
Ingrid Larragoity, Skyline High School (CO)
Jim Oliver, Retired, Lee's Summit Schools
Trey Harris, Western Michigan University
Todd Stefan, North Allegheny High School (PA)
Jeff Storey, Shawnee Mission Schools
Jon Webber, Michigan State University

Indoor events:
Rebecca Westmoreland, UCM
Michelle Jurkiewicz
Ben Gervais, Olathe
Ian McClaflin, UCM

Anthony Pursell
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