Marching Highlanders Sounds of Gold Parade and Field Show Competition

Marching Highlanders Sounds of Gold Parade and Field Show Competition
Lewistown, Mo

Single Competition Prices:
Parade Only: $75.00
Indoor Guard Competition: $75.00
Indoor Percussion Competition: $75.00
Field Show Competition: $200.00

Competition Package Prices
Parade plus a single Indoor Event: $100.00
Single Indoor Event Plus Field Show: $225.00
Parade Plus Multiple Indoor Events: $175.00
Multiple Indoor Events Plus Field Show: $300.00
All 4 Events $350.00

This is the First inaugural Marching Highlander Sounds of Gold Competition. It is a Parade, Field Show Indoor Guard, and Percussion Competition. You may see that the parade is in LaBelle, Mo (10 minutes away from Highland High School). We are coinciding our parade with the LaBelle Harvest Festival. The parade is approximately .7 miles, a nice warm up for your band that will be competing the rest of the day. The Indoor Competitions will be held back at our High School Gymnasium in Lewistown, Mo. The field show competition will be held on 2 year old, recently built turf field.

Tentative Itinerary:
9:00am-Parade (LaBelle, Mo)
10:30am- Indoor Guard Competition (Highland High School Gymnasium)
12:00pm- Indoor Percussion Competition (Highland High School Gymnasium)
1:00pm-Parade Awards (Football Field)
1:30pm-Field Show Competition Starts
8:00pm-Indoor and Field Show Awards

Class assignment:
Will be divided using a combination of school size and band size and then put into competitive classes. These will be determined based on the bands that compete. (examples given below are for explanation only and may vary from actual breakdown of class.)
Example 1: Class 1 school and band size of 60 + becomes a class 2
Example 2: Class 3 school with band size of 40 becomes a class 2

Parade Judging will consist of 3 Judges, Marching & Maneuvering, Music, and Auxiliary
Indoor Drumline will have 1 Judge
Indoor Guard will have 1 Judge
Field show will consist of 4 Judges, Marching & Maneuvering, Music, General Effect and Auxiliary

Nathan Sparks
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