Lafayette Contest of Champions
Wildwood, Missouri

We would personally like to invite you to our 29th Annual Lafayette Contest of Champions at Lafayette High School (Wildwood, MO), on Saturday September 24th, 2016. If you would like to be a part of this amazing contest and educational experience, please know that our performance slots are filling up QUICKLY! If you would like to register now, please click on the link below...
Registration link:'s-Entry-Form.aspx
Along with the amazing judging panel - we offer a 15-20 minute clinic immediately following each bands performance. The clinicians will watch the prelims performance, and then talk with each band (or directors only) about what they saw/heard at each performance. Complete with video/audio to reinforce and give positive feedback or constructive criticism. All in an effort to help you and your band program.
• Tom Rarick (music) - Washington DC - Bluecoats Drum and Bugle Corps, US Air Force Band, Bolling AFB
• Rich Guillen (music) - Arlington New York - DCA (Drum Corps Associates) Brass Caption Judging Supervisor/East Coast Judges Guild, US Bands, MAC, ISSMA, KMEA
• Diana Williams (music) - Allen TX - Regional and National adjudicator, and clinician
• Todd James (visual) - Oklahoma City - US Bands, Regional and National Adjudicator, Clinician and Choreagrapher
• G. Ron Ryles (visual) - Evansvile, IN - show design/program coordination company,
• Sara Gray (visual) - Burlington IA - Regional and National adjudicator, clinician and choreagrapher
• Steve Vento - Kansas City, Blue Devils/National BOA/DCI Arranger and composer
• Dan Peterson - Kirksville MO - Director Emeritus Truman State University
Brad Balog
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