Warsaw Marching Band Festival

Warsaw Marching Band Festival
Warsaw, Missouri

This event will be in it's inaugural year, but we hope to start something awesome! We want to cater this festival to bands of all sizes and levels. We'd love to have everyone from competition bands to those that just play Friday Nights. Please consider joining us!

We are planning for a parade (not on track), field show, indoor guard, and indoor percussion events! The best part is it will all happen on our campus!

Click Here to Register

Participating Bands

Time Band Class
1:30 North Harrison Silver
1:35 Marionville Green
1:40 Sarcoxie Green
1:45 Pleasant Hope Green
1:50 Adrian Green
1:55 Stover Green

Warm-up Time Band Class
2:30 3:10 Excelsior Guard White
2:50 3:30 North Harrison Guard Silver
3:10 3:50 Warsaw Guard Exhibition
3:30 4:10 Warsaw Percussion Exhibition
3:50 4:30 Excelsior Percussion White
4:10 4:50 North Harrison Percussion Silver
5:15 pm - Parade and Indoor Awards - Gym 1

Time Band Class
6:00 Harrisburg Green
6:20 Sarcoxie Green
6:40 North Harrison Silver
7:00 Willow Springs Black
7:20 Buffalo Black
7:40 Fair Grove Black
8:00 Houston Black
8:20 Excelsior White
8:40 Warsaw Exhibition
9:00 Field Awards

Curt Thomas
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