Smith-Cotton invitational

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Smith-Cotton invitational
Sedalia, MO

$10 general admission
$5 students (K-12), seniors, veterans
Free for children under 5

Click Here to Register

Please complete your registration by August 1, 2022. Please provide accurate billing information; an invoice will be sent to you following your registration. Changes to registration information after September 1, 2022, will result in a Change/Cancellation Fee.

Description of Events and Pricing
*Field Show - Bands will perform a traditional or corps-style field show within a 15-minute time slot. Units will be judged in six categories (Music Effect, Music Ensemble, Music Individual, Visual Effect, Visual Ensemble, Visual Individual). Bands will receive an in-person clinic following their performance. Registration cost: $300 ($25 discount per additional WCMBC event attended)
*On-Field Parade - Bands will perform parade formations across the field within a shorter time slot. Units will be judged in four categories (Music Ensemble, Music Individual, Visual Ensemble, Visual Individual). There is no clinic for parade performances. Registration cost: $125
Note: Bands may only sign up for either the "Field Show" or "On-Field Parade" event, but not both.
*Indoor Guard/Indoor Percussion - Auxiliary and percussion units will perform on a gymnasium court within a 15-minute time slot. Units will be judged on overall performance. Registration cost: $75 per event (reduced to $50 per event if you also register for a field event)
There will be separate awards for each event, as well as an overall grand champion award based on total score from all events.

Please see the attached letter for information on the updated West Central Marching Band Circuit.

Participating Bands

Link to Schedule

Adjudicator Panel

Scott Kuhlman - Music Effect
Jason Bata - Music Ensemble
Dan Waxman - Music Individual
Jason Bergman - Music Effect
Jay Jones - Visual Ensemble
Ray Wheeler - Visual Individual

Matthew Fohn - Indoor Guard
Tracy Thomas - Indoor Percussion

Todd Reinhardt and Joe Schreimann - Clinicians

Max Meigel
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