Pirate POWER Classic

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Pirate POWER Classic
Pleasant Hope, MO

$70 street
$50 indoor Drumline
The event is free for all spectators

Class 1-3A Parade Band Competition:
High School (9-12)
Combined (7-12)
Middle School (7-8)

CLICK on the LINK to register: https://goo.gl/forms/NchOVUEB04Eg6PTw1

Due date for registration is FRIDAY, September 18, 2020

Overall Scores will be based on the following:
Marching & Auxiliary
Music & Percussion
Corner & Drum Major

Awards Categories:
Classification Rankings up to 5th Place
Overall Outstanding Drum Major
Overall Outstanding Auxiliary
Overall Outstanding Percussion
Overall Parade Grand Champion
Triple Crown Award
Battle of the Bands Spirit Award

After the final band has performed there will be our annual "Battle of the Bands" while scores are being tabulated. The winner of the Spirit Award will be selected by the POWER Boosters, and based mainly on which band showed the most competitive spirit during the battle in the stands. So, bring your best pep tunes, chants, and dance moves and win that award.

New in 2020 will be the “Triple Crown” award for a school that also participates in the Marionville Applefest and Stockton Black Walnut parades along with the Power Classic. The GRAND TOTALS from all three events will be counted and the band with the highest score wins (regardless of classification)

Too Be Determined...

Randall Bearden
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