Golden Regiment Invitational Marching Festival

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Golden Regiment Invitational Marching Festival
Blue Springs
Location - StateMissouri

Peve Stadium, Blue Springs High School, 2000 NW Ashton Drive Blue Springs MO

2025 marks the 47th Anniversary of the Blue Springs Golden Regiment Invitational Marching Festival!

Join us for:
• Exposure to other bands with great talent, artistry, and musicianship.
• A competition with the professionalism and grandeur of a Bands of America event.
• Midwestern hospitality of Blue Springs staff and volunteers.
• Nationally recognized adjudicators.
• Enthusiastic and energetic audiences.
• State-of-the-art facilities
• Artificial turf warm-up and performance fields.

Competition Format:

The GRI creates a balance of competition between different school sizes with invitations being extended to specific programs with the same legacy of performance excellence. This symmetry in band sizes will ensure that schools can be competitive in their own class. And the talent and artistry of the bands that attend provides an inspiration and motivation to students as they get to experience performances from other schools in different ranges of size. This will extend through the culmination of the evening show's activities with the exhibition performance of the top nationally ranked Golden Regiment marching band.

The GRI will feature two performance competitions, the purple and gold shows. The performance at both shows is optional giving schools the flexibility to manage their competition based on the needs of their schedule. Some schools may choose the morning/afternoon show to allow a shorter day competition. Other schools may choose to utilize the morning for their own technical rehearsals before taking the field in the evening competition. And many schools will choose both shows as an opportunity to perform twice in one day while receiving two performance scores at a discounted price.

This competition format gives bands the opportunity to receive a guarantee of two show adjudications and critiques from top level judges from around the country. All bands are given two chances to receive class awards with this two-show format. This format has been popular for bands that are looking for "early in the season" judging and feedback as they work to develop their show throughout the rest of their competition season.

Performance Opportunities:

The purple (morning/afternoon) show will feature bands split into four classifications based on the band's size. Bands will perform in order groupings based on their size classifications. The smallest Class (based on band size) will perform first with the largest class performing last. Class awards will be provided for the top four bands in each classification ensuring that every group will receive a placement trophy. Additionally, trophies for outstanding soloist(s), visual performance, musical performance, and general effect (regardless of groupings) will be presented giving each school the opportunity to compete across classifications for the top honors.

The gold (evening) show will feature bands split into classifications based on the school's size. However, the performance order will be based on a random draw and adjudicators will not be given any indication about what class size division each band is placed in. The top three returning bands (based on scoring) from the 2024 Golden Regiment Invitational marching festival will automatically be granted the final three evening performance time slots. The random draw will be recorded and published through the Golden Regiment Invitational YouTube channel in the weeks prior to the competition. Awards will be provided for the top four bands in each classification with a maximum of four bands in each group. Additionally, trophies for outstanding soloist(s), visual performance, musical performance, and general effect (regardless of groupings) will be presented. And to round out the cross-classification competition, Grand Prize awards will be presented for the top three placements overall.

Festival Services:
The Golden Regiment Invitational seeks to create a positive and fun experience for spectators and students typically found at larger nationally run competitions. Festival services like photography, souvenirs, and concessions ensure that when you select the GRI, you are getting a lot of value for the money spent to attend. The band registration fees for the GRI are extremely competitive, especially when compared to other national competitions that offer the same level of service, organization, exceptional facilities, and top-quality adjudication. Learn more about Festival Services at

Pricing and Registration:
Registration for the purple (morning/afternoon) and gold (evening) show are priced at the rate of $300 for each competition.

For bands that want to perform at both competitions (purple and gold), there is a bundled price of $450 for registration in both shows.

Registration should be made online (via the link below) by May 1st to ensure placement in the competition. Upon registration a confirmation email will be submitted. In mid-summer, attending bands will receive a packet detailing key dates for submission of information for field announcements, program books, and other details.

Register today!

• Register today at
• For more information, go to

Connect with Us:
• Instagram – Search goldenregimentinvitational
• Facebook – Search Golden Regiment Invitational Marching Festival
• Twitter – Search Golden Regiment Invitational Marching Festival
• YouTube – Search Golden Regiment Invitational Marching Festival

Participating Bands

Participating Bands

Adjudicator Panel

Contact Name: Tim Allshouse
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We try to track down as much info as we can but we rely on the festival directors to update their pages with schedules and results.  Fans can help us too the day of a festival by sending us photos, schedule updates, scores, etc. via Facebook messenger.  If you post on social media use hashtag #midwestmarching and we may share your post. Good luck to all and have a great season!!!!!


Midwest Marching has no affiliation with any state high school activities association, professional music educator organizations, or any high school music organizations.


Midwest Marching is not a governing or sanctioning body for marching band events or judging.  All marching events are operated by the hosting director or hosting organization.  Please contact your school’s band director with any concerns about a marching event.


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