Macon City of Maples Marching Festival | |
Macon | |
Location - State | Missouri |
10/04/2025 | |
DEADLINE IS 8/15/25 Entry Fees: Discounts for Multiple Events! Parade and 1 Indoor - $175 | |
The Macon Marching Tigers are proud to host their 6th annual marching band festival in the great City of Maples! This festival will be held on Saturday, October 4th and features a parade competition, indoor drumline competition, indoor auxiliary competition, and field competition on our new turf field. Schools will be classified by school size using MSHSAA standards. Fine arts are alive and well in Macon through the great support of community members! Not only does the school system have a thriving band program, but you can find artistic ventures all throughout the community with museums and professional, live theater. Director of bands, Jamie Baker, has been participating in marching festivals for over 29 years and knows what it takes to run a great festival other band directors will find educational and enjoyable. This event is organized to bring out all the great things other festivals do, but in one location! You will find the drive easy to Macon, as we are located at the intersection of Highways 63 and 36---both being four-lane roads from all directions. We hope you give us great consideration as you plan your fall marching calendars, as our community will graciously welcome you to our Macon - City of Maples Marching Festival! | |
Participating Bands | Participating Bands |
Adjudicator Panel | |
Contact Name: Jamie Baker | | | |
Email hidden; Javascript is required. | |

We try to track down as much info as we can but we rely on the festival directors to update their pages with schedules and results. Fans can help us too the day of a festival by sending us photos, schedule updates, scores, etc. via Facebook messenger. If you post on social media use hashtag #midwestmarching and we may share your post. Good luck to all and have a great season!!!!!
Midwest Marching has no affiliation with any state high school activities association, professional music educator organizations, or any high school music organizations.
Midwest Marching is not a governing or sanctioning body for marching band events or judging. All marching events are operated by the hosting director or hosting organization. Please contact your school’s band director with any concerns about a marching event.