Fall 2025 Scheduling is Underway!
Directors may now choose to manage your page directly (although you can ALWAYS just email admin@midwestmarching.com just as you always have).
- All Events menu is designed to provide a comprehensive look at every marching event we are currently aware of for the current year. It is alphabetical by name of event, but can be re-sorted by clicking on the column headers by Date or by State. Clicking on “View Event” will yield a standard text content page of the currently known event info.
- Upload Results – This fall we encourage directors to log in to your event page at the end of your contest and upload your results in any of several formats – pdf file or even taking a picture of the recaps with your phone and uploading the image. Your results can be available faster than ever before!
We welcome additional “wish list” suggestions as you think of them. Just drop an email to admin@midwestmarching.com
PROVIDERS OF SERVICES/SPONSORING BUSINESSES: this is a great time to join the Midwest Marching Community as a sponsor! Contact Belinda for a specialized quote for YOUR business based on your particular needs and budget.
Would you like to add your marching band competition to our calendar?
When your event is submitted, you will receive a director’s login (usually within 24 hours) to be able to manage your own event throughout the year. You’ll see an edit link next to your event when you are logged in. You can then upload documents such as registration forms, schedules, results, concession list, etc as your event date gets closer.
For your convenience – there is a Log In link at the very bottom of the site.
We try to track down as much info as we can but we rely on the festival directors to update their pages with schedules and results. Fans can help us too the day of a festival by sending us photos, schedule updates, scores, etc. via Facebook messenger. If you post on social media use hashtag #midwestmarching and we may share your post. Good luck to all and have a great season!!!!!
Midwest Marching has no affiliation with any state high school activities association, professional music educator organizations, or any high school music organizations.
Midwest Marching is not a governing or sanctioning body for marching band events or judging. All marching events are operated by the hosting director or hosting organization. Please contact your school’s band director with any concerns about a marching event.