The Pirate POWER Classic is a MSHSAA sanctioned Parade Band Festival located in Pleasant Hope, Missouri. The Pirate POWER Classic is a celebration of small town parade bands, and nothing else. We welcome any and all small school band programs to participate. However, any class of band are welcome.
There are four judges on the parade route:
Music & Percussion
Block Marching
Execution of the Corner
Drum Major & Auxiliary
As tradition there will be a “Battle of the Bands” before the award presentations, so bring your best band spirit.
The Pirate Classic will also serve as the final stop for any band who is in the running for the “Triple Crown” award (Marionville Applefest Parade, Stockton Black Walnut Parade and the Pirate POWER Classic). Bands who participate in all three will have their total scores added and whomever has the highest overall score of all three wins the triple crown!
Entry Fees:
$100 Parade
Deadline for participants is FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th, 2023.
Link to register
Feel free to email Randall Bearden ( if you have any questions before entering.
Thank you for your interest.