Scotland County VIRTUAL Marching Band Competition

STATUSAs Scheduled
Scotland County VIRTUAL Marching Band Competition
Memphis, MO

With many marching band competitions being canceled and many programs cancelling travel plans, the Scotland County Virtual Marching Band Competition will provide an opportunity for bands to compete in a safe way amid the COVID 19 pandemic.

High Schools and Junior High Schools would record their performance on their local field, street or gym and submit them for the Field show, Parade, Indoor Color Guard, & Indoor Drumline Categories.

These videos would be submitted through a shared drive in Google Drive. This drive would be made available to judges for scoring and critique. Awards would be presented via a Facebook Live from a facebook page dedicated to the event. Plaques and trophies would be mailed to the proper destination.

Videos may be recorded anytime prior to Oct 3rd. October 3rd will be the last day to submit an entry. Awards would take place the evening of October 7th. Recordings can take place before or after school, at a football game, a school assembly, or any time you choose. It is asked to not submit a video of another competition’s performance. If schools should close before this time period, or not enough schools register, all payments will be refunded. One of many objectives of the competition would be more extensive feedback from the judges as they would have the opportunity to rewind and review your performance.

A link to registration is below.

Nathaniel Orr


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