Offering the ultimate in innovation for
marching band performance, education, and entertainment,
the 12th annual “Bands Across the Prairie” Marching
Invitational will be held on Saturday, September 22,
2012, from 4:30 – 9:30 PM, on the beautiful campus of
Prairie High School, now with a “field turf” surface and
renovated additional stadium seating!
We are proud to provide your band with many great
opportunities: ample bus parking immediately next to the
stadium, hard-surfaced flat area for loading/unloading
pit equipment, indoor changing and restroom facilities,
huge stadium seating, new “field-turf” stadium surface
for perfect marching conditions, huge-screen video
clinic in an air-conditioned auditorium immediately
following your performance, ice-cold bottles of water
for every performer, full-view and zoom-camera DVD’s of
your performance, separate judges for both percussion
and color guard in addition to the standard four judges,
trophies for all places, Caption Awards in each class,
and much more!
The scores provided by the Percussion and Color Guard
adjudicators will be used to identify Caption Awards
only, and will not be added to the other scores from the
standard four judges when calculating the total score
for each band’s performance. Thus, our scoring system
will be on the standard IHSMA-format, with the addition
of separate scores, judge’s tapes, and ballots for both
your Percussion and Color Guard! You will also receive a
free clinic from a well-respected educator immediately
following your performance, with a video review of your
performance during the clinic.
If you would like to reserve a spot in our show, or
if you need further information in order to assist you
with planning and scheduling, please do not hesitate to
contact us as listed below. You may also complete our
ONLINE registration forms for “Bands Across the Prairie”
2012 by using the our website,
