November 2-3, 2007
San Antonio, TX

Finals Results

96.20 - Marcus H.S., TX
94.80 - L.D. Bell H.S., TX
92.85 - The Woodlands H.S., TX
91.70 - Winston Churchill H.S., TX
90.35 - Ronald Reagan H.S., TX
90.20 - Richland H.S., TX
90.05 - James Bowie H.S., TX
89.40 - Haltom H.S., TX
89.10 - Westfield H.S., TX
88.70 - Berkner H.S., TX
87.90 - Cedar Park H.S., TX
86.60 - Brazoswood H.S., TX
85.75 - Hebron H.S., TX
84.45 - Colleyville Heritage H.S., TX

Outstanding Music Performance - Marcus H.S., TX
Outstanding Visual Performance - Marcus H.S., TX
Outstanding General Effect - Marcus H.S., TX

Prelims Results

Class A:

Outstanding Music Performance - Hidalgo H.S., TX
Outstanding Visual Performance - Hidalgo H.S., TX
Outstanding General Effect - Hidalgo H.S., TX

1st - Hidalgo H.S., TX
2nd - Whitesboro H.S., TX
3rd - Gatesville H.S., TX

Class AA:

Outstanding Music Performance - Roma H.S., TX
Outstanding Visual Performance - Roma H.S., TX
Outstanding General Effect - Roma H.S., TX

1st - Roma H.S., TX
2nd - William B. Travis H.S., TX
3rd - Waller H.S., TX

Class AAA:

Outstanding Music Performance - Marcus H.S., TX
Outstanding Visual Performance - L.D. Bell H.S., TX
Outstanding General Effect - Marcus H.S., TX

1st - Marcus H.S., TX
2nd - L.D. Bell H.S., TX
3rd - The Woodlands H.S., TX


Past Scores